Thursday 5 February 2009

Reading with 3L1

Today was 3L1's first session in the reading room. Being good sports, they were happy to be photographed as long as their face remain hidden!

Below are some pictures of 3L1 boys posing for this post, the do's and don'ts during silent reading.

Do: choose something to read!
Pictures show Izhar choosing a book in the non-fiction section.This section contains books on Biology, Geography & History.

Do: If you can't decide what to read, ask a friend for a recommendation.
Picture shows Nasrullah & Izhar deciding on which book to read.

Do: Choose a magazine if you like.
Picture shows the boys reading Muhibbah.
Khairul Ariffin & Reamy seem happy to read one!
Aliff and Azmi ponder over the pictures in Muhibbah. There are other magazines available in the Reading Room like Teen, BiG, Boating and so on.

Do: Choose something suitable to read.
Hafizam chose a John Grisham book which is more suitable for upper secondary & adults!
Then he chose a newspaper which is more suitable for him. Plus he likes to read about sports. Isa on the other hand tries to brush up his English by reading the dictionary.

Do: Sit down and read!
Picture shows Nasrullah reading a magazine.

Do: Sit in a comfortable position!
Picture shows Izhar sitting in an uncomfortable position. The chair is too small for his size and the table is too low.
Hassan sits on the floor. Should use a cushion instead.

Do: Share a book with a friend.

Rizqullah & Hernady reading together. Hernady's arm is broken so he has difficulty in turning the pages. Nazrin shares a laugh with a friend. Which book is so funny?

Do: Share interesting information with friends.
What's so funny Nasrullah? Nasrullah laughs while Rahman looks on
The boys find The Guiness Book of World Records very interesting.

Don't: Sleep in the Reading Room.
Pictures show Julaihi & Reamy pretending to sleep on the sofa. The magazines are for reading, not for hiding!
Izhar pretending to sleep on the rug.
Sopian pretending to sleep behind his favourite cushion. Don't use this trick because the teacher can always tell you're not reading!

3L1 students really enjoyed their time in the reading room. They will go to the library next week and show you the do's and don'ts while in the library. Ruhana & Sakinah, it's your turn to pose!

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