Saturday 24 January 2009

Reading on a tight budget

Thinking of buying that Twilight book but can't afford it? One reason why students dislike reading as a hobby is the high price of books. A paperback novel for instance can set you back by $18!

So should you simply ditch the itch to read cause of an empty pocket? No worries! There are ways to deal with the problem!

Go to a library: You only have to pay a membership fee or late charges. Another advantage is that you have access to a large variety of books. If you don't have the money to pay membership fees, just drop by and spend a few hours in the library. Check out your school library!

The reading room is an alternative and you don't have to be a member to borrow books home!

Save some money: The simplest way is to set aside some money as little as $1 a day. At the end of the month, you'd have enough money to buy at least two books. Make sure you also buy a bookmark.

Ask for a book: Ask your mum, dad or relative to buy you a book as a birthday gift instead of something more expensive such as a mobile phone. Your parent or relative will buy you a book for sure because they know that reading is very important! Ask your parents to buy you a book if you pass a test or exam too.

Borrow: Don't be too embarrassed to borrow from a friend. You can even exchange books as long as you return them. Also ask your brother or sister if you can borrow a book of theirs.

Buy: Get cheaper books. Look for bargains at garage sales or discounted titles at the bookshops. You can also buy reject books. These books are slightly damaged but the price is usually much lower.

Collect: Keep your books. Once you have a collection, it will be easier for you to exchange books with your friends!

Go on-line: Read interactive books that are available on-line. With a click of the mouse, you can turn the pages as if you are reading a normal book. There are also other materials to read such as comic strips, jokes, poetry, blogs and so on.

Remember: Reading is the key to your success!

The book collection shown costs around $300 altogether (ouch)! The books were bought not only in Brunei but also ordered from Australia, Canada and America. However some books were bought at special price. Set up a library at your home & share your collection with your family.

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