Saturday 6 December 2008

The benefits of reading

Reading is beneficial in so many ways yet many fail to pick up reading as a habit. This is a pity because reading improves our lives on so many levels. We improve mentally, spiritually and even socially through reading.

The following is a short conversation between a student and her teacher.

S: What do you mean by improving mentally? Reading only makes me mental!

T: When you read, you are actually training your mind. Like your body, your brain also needs exercise. You become smarter when you read more because your comprehension improves. You will have lesser difficulty in understanding different kinds of information. The better your comprehension, the better you'll be in staying calm in answering difficult questions in your assignments. Hence, you are able to stay more focused.

S: But sometimes the words are difficult to understand!

T: Ask a teacher to recommend you a book that is suitable. Yes ,the words can sometimes be difficult to understand but that doesn't mean that you don't have to read. Reading regularly helps you by improving your vocabulary and also spelling! Hence the more you read, the more words you know!

S: Hens? What do chickens have to do with reading?

T: I meant h-e-n-c-e. See how the lack of reading makes you confused!

S: Hens! Hence! I can learn new words by reading subtitles on TV!

T: Yes, I see your point. But reading has an extra bonus that TV doesn't provide. You actually think more when you read than while watching TV. Reading allows you to imagine the characters and scenes but you don't have to imagine much while watching TV. Therefore a person who reads more is more creative and also more able to think for themselves. Do you think Leornado Da Vinci came up with army tanks and flying machines from watching TV?

S: Okay, no need to be sarcastic. I know TV didn't exist during Da Vinci's time!

T: Hah! So you do read something besides a menu!

S: Well, I only read sometimes. Reading is so boring!

T: Again, it's about the imagination. Reading takes you to different places. If you are reading Harry Potter, maybe you are thinking of Hogwarts or Ron's home. If you are reading a book on Japan, you are dreaming of being in a sushi restaurant or the bullet. In other words, reading allows you to "escape". All the dreaming causes you to relax and take your mind of your worries.

S: Can I pretend to be Harry Potter? I want to have magical powers!

T: Yes sure but only when you are reading. I don't want you to turn me into a frog!

S: I said pretend. Hello?

T: Yes, who do you wish to speak to? (pretending to be on the phone).

S: Okay, quit trying to be funny!

T: Do you know people who read more have a better sense of humour? Sense, not c-e-n-t-s!

S: Oh you know so much don't you smarty pants?!

T: Of course. Reading regularly makes you learn more about the world around you. You learn about morals, friendship, love and family. What you have learnt through reading helps you make good choices in life. You learn how to build and maintain relationships.

S: Okay, okay. If you're so smart, tell me how reading can make me inprove spiritually!

T: You learn about what is right and what is wrong through reading. So you learn to make the right choices in life.

S: Sounds good enough. Any other reason why I should start reading regularly?

T: Have you heard of the Malay proverb, "A frog under a coconut shell?"

S: So?

T: Through reading you learn new skills. For example, if you want to know how to cook, you can read cooking books. If you want to learn how to draw, there are many books to help you choose the materials you need to begin drawing, the techniques in drawing and so on.

S: What if I want to improve in Maths?

T: There are books and web sites. You can even learn tricks that can help you add, subtract, divide, multiply in your head quickly. Not only will you get better marks in school, you will also be able to quickly add your spending while shopping!

S: Oh great because I love shopping especially for clothes!

T: You can read about fashion in magazines and web sites. And through reading, you will feel fabulous in the clothes you wear.

S: How so?

T: Remember reading more make smarter? That'll boost anyone's confidence!

S: Wow! I didn't know that reading can be so cool!

T: Well now you know! So get on with your reading!

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