Friday 24 April 2009

Activities on Thursday

At 7.30 a.m. 3L 2 went to the reading room for half an hour. As usual, they read on their own and managed to rearrange the books back on the shelves. Thanks 3L2!

3L1 also did some reading. They read a short and simple book called "Mosque School". Before they read the books, the boys described the pictures on the cover and guess what they think a mosque school is. All the boys read the story aloud and were able to pronounce all the words. Well done 3L1!

3B students also did some reading. They read a book called "Animal Shelters" borrowed from CfBT. After reading, they were asked to write down what the book was about, how they felt about the book and if they had learnt anything new or interesting. They also had to fill in their reading journal. Here's what they said about the book

"The book is about various types of animals, where they live and so on. We found it very interesting because it has a lot of information" Najeeb & Waie.

"This book is about many kinds of animals, their habitat and how they protect themselves. I think this book is good!" Qilah.

"We think that this book is interesting. It tells how the animals protect their shelter and their young" Adibah, Afiqah and Hamimah.

"I'm happy because now I know more about animals!" Azizah.

"Some of the pictures are disgusting but I found interesting info on termites!" Faieqah.

"I love this book!" Dk Siti Khadijah.

"It's a book on animal's habitats, how animals were born and what they eat. This book is interesting!" Hafiz, Hisham & Ashraf.

"This book is about disgusting facts on animals. We feel disgusted and this book sucks!" Fifi & Ashley.

"I think it's a bit interesting but the pictures are disgusting!" Farah Hani.

Thank you to Cg. Najmuddin for lending the books! Can we borrow again next time?

During CCA, the members of Reading & English Club, read aloud two chapters of the book "Matilda" by Roald Dahl. They learnt about Miss Honey and Miss Trunchbull and how Miss Honey felt when she first met Matilda. Then after a few short questions, they were instructed to draw pictures of what they thought Matilda, Miss Honey and the Wormwoods look like and write adjectives to describe the characters. Before the end of the session, the groups presented their drawings and how they see each character was like.

The girls thought that Miss Honey is sweet like her name!

One group described Matilda as clever but lonely.

Unfortunately we ran out of time before the boys could present. So boys, make sure you have your presentation ready next week and please don't forget to bring your lines for the scene you are going to act!

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