Thursday 1 January 2009

Newspaper sections

The newspaper is the cheapest reading material available yet not many like to read it. Some avoid reading the newspaper altogether. It is such a pity when people do not read newspapers because they not only contain news but also information that can help you improve your life.

The newspaper has different sections to appeal to readers of different ages and taste. When you know what the sections are, you will able to choose which section that you would like to read more and hopefully you will develop the habit of reading the newspaper.

Front page: It contains the main stories that captures attention the most. The stories are the ones that make people want to buy the newspaper. The story would also have pictures to make the news more interesting. The story can be local or international.

Fact: More than 70 newspaper front pages from around USA and several international cities carried the news of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales the morning after the fatal accident.

News article: A report on an event that has taken place. The article may also include a photo. Newspaper articles that are closest to the front page or within the first few pages are those considered more important or interesting.

Fact: Many newspapers around the world carry articles on New Year's Day celebration from around the world. This is typical as today is the start of 2009.

Feature article
: A report about an issue, person or event but with more detail than an ordinary news article.

International News: This section contains news about what is happening in other countries. It can be about the relationship between countries, war, disasters or events that are important. For example, the fire disaster in Thailand.

Letters to the editor: This section contains letters sent by readers usually in response to an article. However, the Borneo Bulletin also include complaints or opinions of readers regarding important issues.

Entertainment or lifestyle: This section contains stories of popular people such as singers, actors, writers and interesting people. It also contains information about health, beauty, religion, hobbies, reviews and so on.

Now that you know what sections a newspaper contains, pick up a newspaper and choose which section you want to read. Alternatively, you can click on the news in the left.

Enjoy reading!

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