Thursday, 1 April 2010

Scholastic issue 2

Please ask your English teacher for a catalogue if you haven't received any. Alternatively, you can come to the staffroom at break or after school and obtain your copy.

As usual, please follow the instructions below before handing in the order form.

  • Cut out the order form. Do not submit the catalogue.
  • Fill in your FULL NAME & CLASS. Please write clearly.
  • Fill in the quantity under the QTY column. DO NOT TICK.
  • Fill in the amount in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS under the AMNT column.
  • Fill in the total quantity in the TOTAL QTY box.
  • Fill in  the TOTAL COST box. The amount must be in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS.
  • Fill in the PAYMENT TO SCHOOL BOX. The amount must be in BRUNEIAN DOLLARS (The figure you get after multiplying the number in the TOTAL COST BOX by 1.32)

The currency exchange is 1.32.

Please hand in the order form together with the CORRECT AMOUNT of money to your English teacher  or straight to me. The payment and form must be handed in an envelope.

For more explanation, please see Cikgu Joanne or me.

Thank you.

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