If you are interested in buying items from Scholastic, don't forget that the last day of payment is the 16th of February 2010. Please submit the form & payment to your English teacher.
Before you give your teacher the form, please make sure that you have filled in the form properly. Please include your FULL NAME & CLASS. Check that you have filled in the quantity column and the amount due column. Also check that you have filled in the total quantity box, the total amount box and the payment to school box. You should write the total amount in Australian dollars. The amount that you have to pay altogether should be in Brunei dollars. To calculate the amount you have to pay, multiply the number in the total amount box by 1.3. Please give your teacher the EXACT amount of money, we don't have change.
You MUST cut out the order form. DO NOT submit the whole catalogue.
p/s: I am taking a short break from blogging.
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