Monday, 11 January 2010

In the Spotlight: Putri Norizah

Last year, Putri kindly contributed to SMRREADS by sending a special message for all SMRIMBA students. Read Putri's post below.

T: Tell us about yourself.

PN: :D im a very simple person, living a very hectic life. In addition to my studies, I have a career in singing. I don't sing for fun, I earn from it. Currently I am doing DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT at Laksamana College of Business.

I consider myself as a responsible person because I never neglect my studies while I sing at the same time. I study for my own good and for my future, and I sing on peoples' requests and demands.
I'm an only child, so my parents give all their support in whatever I do.

T: What do you like to read?

PN: I like to read a lot of materials from the internet and magazines. I also read story books and my  school textbooks :D  I dont have any specific preference when it comes to reading. Whatever topics that catch my eyes (of course, not the irrelevant topics),Ii'll have a scan and read through them.

One thing that I really love to read is NON-FICTION STORIES :)

T: What is your favourite character (from a book) and why?

PN: I don't have any one in particular. I like many characters that I have come across :) 

T: With a busy schedule, when do you find the time to read?

PN: In the car, on flights or before I go to bed. These are the only time that I have for reading.

T: Is there any book that you would recommend to our students?
PN: I would recommend your students to read "THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN" by MITCH ALBOM..

It inspires readers to appreciate people around them :D

T:  If you were given a chance to write your autobiography, what would the title be?

PN: Me, Myself and I.. :)

T: How is reading important to you and the young generation of Brunei?

PN: Reading is important to us because it can improve our communication skills and it also helps us become more knowledgeable.

T: Lastly, any advice you'd like to offer to SM Rimba students? 

PN: To all SM RIMBA students, READ MORE AND MORE on the right topics..

Do not waste time because life is just too short. And always remember this quote....

Lots of love, PUTRI NORIZAH.

SMRREADS thanks Putri for supporting our students and wishes her all the best in her studies and her career.

Who will be in the spotlight next week? He is a well-known figure affectionately named Mr. B.R. He is a history buff and is also an author.

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